Subject: Blood will be spilled
and here is why:
I agree that blood will be spilled and here is
Since my days, they ridiculed Jimmy Carter and
it worked, he was defeated in shame.
But President Carter was right, we are indulgent
and we need to conserve and be peaceful.
Rhetoric won against Carter and Reagan won in
a landslide so the wingnuts did not have to take their actions any farther.
Then along came President Bill Clinton who brilliantly
steered our economy into the second best
growth spurt in history, not to mention saving
Bosnia and whipping Newt Gingrich's butt. So, the wingnuts
had to ramp up the hyperbole to match Clinton's
success and investigated him into a corner, ultimately
impeaching him over nothing. They matched their
actions against our successes.
Now, the Republican's universe has collapsed.
After the wretched years of George W. Bush, where
"Treason, War, Torture, Economic Catastrophe,
Soup Lines and Tent Cities", a smart young
African American named Barack Obama became President
of the United States.
A black man is President in America, religion
is a pedophile tragedy , de-regulation did not work,
cutting taxes and an orgy of spending created
an enormous deficit, the economy collapsed and people
were murdered on September 11, while President
Bush sat stunned, reading a children's book.
Every claim the Republican's made, "strong on
defense", "family values", "de-regulation and free market",
and "fiscally sound" have been proven wrong.
Throw in the facts that President Obama whipped their butts
on Health Care , the stock market has increased
by roughly 70% and the economy is suddenly growing
and the Republicans old hyperbole won't work
and they have to take it the maximum level because their
failures are at a maximum and people are on to
their Orwellian games.
Consequently, they have to ramp up the hate speech
to change the subject from their incompetence
and failures, and guess what? There are lunatics
and racists out there who actually believe the Democrats
and President Obama will take their guns, kill
Grandma and put them in jail for not purchasing health insurance.
You're damn right there will be blood and frankly
it cannot be avoided because this classic, class-warfare
contest has been happening since Jamestown.
Yes innocents will die, but in the end Progressives
will beat the racist bastards again, just as we did in the Civil War,
and in the 1960's. This time however, we must
confront them and force their hands.
History has taught us what the KKK, the fascists,
and robber barons are capable of and no hand-holding,
nor teachable moments will work against irrational
people. We know that now.
Strength, force, might and results will win the
day, but it will be a bloody day indeed.
Ain't that a shame when all we are asking is
for everyone to play fairly.
To put it simply, the psychotic forces that place
money over our very earth, and class over life will never stop
until they are beaten down. It is time for that
beat down because the stakes are too high with the Earth melting
and species after species of life is dying off
before our very eyes.
This is a life or death situation and once again
they will attack and we will slowly but surely
gather together and defeat them. This time however,
I hope we don't let them up ever again.
Mr. Mustard
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